HEALING with HOPE Corporation

Support Us

Support Us

We are creating access and providing information, resources and services to the Faith and Caribbean community. This can only be done with your support, we appreciates it. You can donate money orĀ volunteer your time. If you are an agency and you want to connect please do not hesitate.


Your financial donation will help to create and enhance programs and services for the Caribbean and Faith Community within Los Angeles County and beyond.


If you are with an HIV/STIs services agency, Caribbean busines, Faith Organization or any type of business and want to connect in any initiative please connect with us.


Volunteering your time is valuable and this will help us tremendously. There will e varies type of opportunity and we would like to get you on our volunteering list.

Board Membership

Enrich our growing community by opting to join our Board. This can give you an opportunity to be at the table to represent the Faith or Caribbean community.
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